ARC Advisory Group:
A Fresh Look at Industry 4.0 for Manufacturing

This white paper takes a fresh look at Industry 4.0 and calls for a reconnection to the concept’s vision and rationale before working out an implementation strategy. ARC Advisory Group states that Industry 4.0 is not Industrial IoT, it is not only about technology, but is “the next stage in the organization and control of the entire value stream along the lifecycle of a product.”

They go on to review approaches to analyze and prioritize the potential of Industry 4.0 related actions and projects, using strategic, financial, and portfolio perspectives. Some of these benefits come from looking at the people and social aspects Industry 4.0 as a means of reducing cost to do business, attracting and retaining talent, and increasing agility when responding to anything from global events to increasing customer demands.

Learn more about the next chapter in Industry 4.0 and ARC Advisory Group's recommendations.